I’ve been working on a proposal for a virtual world recently. The brief is to outline some initial thinking about a virtual world and how a child might interact with it. It’s been a tremendous exercise of letting my imagination run wild! Granted, there are parameters within which I have to work, but there aren’t many and they haven’t curtailed creativity yet.
I’ve been really surprised how excited I’ve been about the chance to do something so creative and free. Many of the things I’ve done so far as Creative Daydream have been enjoyable and creative in their own way, but this is the first project that has completely lived up to my company name!
And it’s something that discovered I’ve really needed. In the rush to create the business, set up the website, tell people about the new role and start to work on projects, I’ve not had the space to be truly, outlandishly creative. There’s a thrill attached to following an idea and not really knowing where it might take you, a thrill that’s different when you’re fulfilling quite a focused brief.
So, whatever projects the future holds (and if they’re similar to those I’ve done already, then I’ll have a varied workload), I’ve learnt that once in a while, it’s great to let your creative hair down. What shape that takes, I’m not sure – a new novel, a painting, a musical – but I’ll be setting aside some time to give something crazy a go!
I think a lot of us have some crazy stuff we’d love to try, but other things seem to get in the way or we feel too nervous to give them a go. Why not give something new a whirl this week? After all, as Dr Pepper* said, what’s the worst that could happen?
*Other brown carbonated soft drinks are available.